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£11 million ruby, yours for a wink..

Well isn’t this a crazy story! 2.14 kg of rough stone, talked up to being a near-priceless gem by a bunch of dodgy geezers, further weighed down by its reputation for carrying bad luck. A ruby the size of a tennis ball, variously pictured in the press as this


now reveals it’s true form as a far more attractive crystal


You can bid for it here. I’m putting my tenner on it now ….

If you are looking for a real gem though, why not pop down to the Christmas Bazaar at the Dulwich Picture Gallery on November 19, when you will have the opportunity to purchase a highly original and beautifully crafted piece of contemporary jewellery by one of the Flux Jewellers – our jewellery makes for a really good investment which is bound to bring many happy returns!


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Flux Studios is a unique jewellery studio and jewellery school in London. We provide jewellery classes and jewellery courses to the public. We provide an inclusive membership scheme for jewellers looking for a studio base to develop their business.